
Voiceless Characters and Ways to Help Them

So, you want to find your character’s voice. Do you know your character well enough is the question. Do you know anyone well enough to mimic (or picture) their voice? Start with people you know best. Write a dialog with your mom, BFF, or current/former lover. Let them speak about something you hear a lot: […]

book review

The Gospel Of Hard Work

The lead On the table in front of me lies William Zinsser’s On writing well. 30th-anniversary edition. Every book that survived 30 editions and 44 years deserves attention. Especially since it is nonfiction. In 1976 you could name your book about how to write On writing well. Today you apparently can not. Look at the […]

freelance writing

What They Do Not Tell You About Upwork

Bright and shiny image of freelance the dream has never been closer I’ve been there. You open a website and there is a bad and lazy article on the first page. Stupid and obvious, watery and empty. What? That guy (or girl) got paid for this crap? Outrageous! Or you open a magazine and read […]