
an article

5 Harsh Truths About Screenwriting

Engaging and light, yet thorough blog post in a conversational style.

an article

Guide To 10+ Virtual SEL Activities for Elementary Students

This in-depth article with links to academic papers is the result of prompt dive into an unfamiliar topic.

a newsletter

Case Study: TV Pilot Big Mistakes

A sample newsletter case study where I analyze Snowpiercer‘s pilot.

a book review

The Gospel Of Hard Work

The quote from William Zinsser’s On writing well is on the main page of this website. Here is a review or rather a tribute to one of my favorite books on writing.

an outline for a video

Profiteering from war

I prepared an outline for a video essay after a thorough research, organised material in a coherent narrative with a certain angle.

a short story

Queen Mary

Even if fiction is not your profile, in this piece you can appreciate the work with narrative, visual images and style.

a piece of script

How to… (Pilot)

This is a part of an original screenplay, pilot episode of a 30-minute comedy TV show. If you want to read the whole pilot, shoot me an email.

a piece of script

Size of the sacrifice

This is a part of an original screenplay for a feature film (drama). If you want to read the whole script, shoot me an email.


The Mythical Author

This essay discusses how community participation transforms a writer and attempts to explain the nature of successful creative choices.


Personal Blog

You can mine my blog for more writing samples. On my blog, I write mostly about writing, but occasionally about politics and my daughter.