
“If you are not the writer you want to be, you need a better process.”


You have to address your weaknesses and find your blind spots. It’s very hard to do by yourself and I’ve been blessed to have mentors and teachers in my life to guide me. Now I try to repay this debt.

I can help only a handful of people. By design, there are writers that I can help the most because we will get along well and “click”. And there are others. We don’t want to waste each other’s time if we’re not a good fit.

That’s why I usually propose…

Free 1-Hour Long Assessment Session

In this session, we will…

    Very often, what’s holding you back isn’t what you think it is (otherwise you would have already handled it)
    Find out exactly what you need to do to begin creating momentum and success
    This session lets us see how we like working together and figure out if continued coaching would be a good fit. 

$125 value

I’ve had a different approach before. Up until June 2020, the assessment session was not free and cost $125. It was good business for me but I felt that it wasn’t helping my potential students. It was an unnecessary barrier between us. So I removed it. And returned $125 to all who have paid it before.

Now it’s free for you to try me.

By the way…

Do you want to get weekly free advice on how to improve your writing process and launch a career?

Book a session

Leave your contact information and a short summary of your current needs and troubles and we will find the best time for an assessment session.

Tell me a little bit about yourself so I would prepare and we could have a productive session.